Build On Your Lot In Cape Charles on the Eastern Shore

Contact Us

If you are inspired by a beautiful Eastern Shore sunrise every morning, maybe it is time to make the move. Schneider Construction, LLC creates beautiful homes constructed with superior craftsmanship. Bring us your plans or bring us your vision. We’ll help you get started even if it’s from scratch.

Why Build New With Schneider Construction?

Hear What Our Past Clients Have To Say!

Tom and Bonnie (Bay Creek)

David and Helen  (Bayfront)

Ervin and Elaine (Eastern Shore)

Ian and Lori  (Golf Course)

Step 1: Pre-Construction Agreement

By signing a Pre-Construction Agreement, you retain Schneider Construction, LLC to help guide you through the steps required to bring your home to life. Our unique approach uncovers all the possibilities and captures every detail that makes your project a success.

Step 2: Schematic Design

Identifying your design and budget leads us through a charrette that transfers your ideas to paper.

Step 3: Project Development

Plans are developed by entering the sketches into Architectural software while the systems and selections are captured to create the Scope of Work.

Step 4: Generate the Budget

Individual Scopes of Work for labor and materials are distributed to establish a budget for real time costs for your specific home.

Step 5: Sign the Construction Agreement

Plans are finalized, engineered and selections are confirmed. Pricing is updated and contract documents are signed.

Step 6: The Construction Process

Our systems and processes are now implemented to execute the construction process. This is the time for you to strap on your seatbelt and enjoy the ride.

Step 7: Make It Your Home

Now that construction is complete and you're settling into your new home, you can decide whether to continue working with us in our Owner Maintenance Program or simply just invite us over for a visit.

Request More Info

Submit your request and we'll get back to you soon to discuss your project.

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